Here is how the Domestic Program works in Haiti.
1. There are two teams:
Domestic Team #1: Maudelin Mesadieu, MD, Vasectomist (click for his bio) is the Team Director. Vildor Pierre is the Lead Facilitator; he increases local awareness and educates the public about vasectomy. Louis Clodine provides the final counseling and takes care of all paperwork including consents. Julelande Jerome maintains and sterilizes the equipment and prepares trays in the procedure room. Together they have been providing vasectomies at Dr. Mesadieu’s ULS clinic in Ft. Bourgeois periodically since May 2015. For those who have internet access, Dr. Mesadieu has also prepared a Counseling Video in Creole.
Domestic Team #2:
Thelusme Jolius, MD, (click for his bio) a full-fledged urologist, was trained in NSV and equipped with instruments and supplies during our mission in early December 2019. As of September. 2021, he is still working on organizing his Team. He bought 4 urology residents to the May mission to learn NSV.
Domestic Team #3:
Enioth Bright, MD is a General Surgeon in Limonade. He sharpened his vasectomy skills during the mission of May 2021 and has begun to send in Patient and Payment logs for payment by NSVI.
2. NSV Venue & Regular Schedule:
The Domestic Team holds Regular Free NSV Clinics when Dr. Mesadieu can work them into his schedule.
3. Specific Dates:
NSVI has supplied 3000 brochures (click to take a look), which are disbursed through the community by men (facilitators) who have had vasectomies and who are willing to educate others about vasectomy.
4. “Livelihood Assistance” Special Project:
This Special Project hits 2 birds with one stone. It addresses at least 2 social problems in the Haiti: (1) Poverty and (2) Overcrowding due to a high rate of unintended pregnancy.
The Livelihood Assistance Project is specially intended for Men who have had a Vasectomy already. The aim is to provide them with extra income. However, this is only for those who are willing to promote Vasectomy to fellow fathers, especially the low-income men who desire no more additional children. Those who have had NSV are more credible as educators, because of their experience. In return for their efforts at educating others, they are paid as Facilitators per the schedule below.
This Project also helps other Haitians supplement their incomes: (1) A Doctor/Surgeon (for now only Drs. Mesadieu, but we hope Dr. Thelusme will begin soon) is paid for his services to those who are too poor to pay themselves in a country which provides no payment to doctors for this service as yet. (2) A Social Worker/Educator is paid to coordinate the Facilitators and confirm that full counseling is complete and that surgical consents have been signed. (3) A Nurse is paid to maintain sterile equipment and an inventory of disposable supplies, run the procedure room, and help with counseling as needed. All are paid on a per-case basis.
NSVI also provides compensation to the manager of the Facility to help the Facility afford supplies for the other health care and social services that it provides. Payment is in dollars because of the fluctuation of the Haitian gourde.
Each Patient is asked to refrain from working on the day of his vasectomy and the next day. Many Haitian men are so poor that they cannot lose 2 days of income or afford the transportation needed to come for a vasectomy. So NSVI reimburses each patient for lost income and transportation costs. It’s not much, but the patients appreciate the help.
After his vasectomy, each patient is offered the opportunity to become a Facilitator. If he would like to, he is given a number of brochures with his name on them. He is paid a “Facilitator fee” for each patient who returns with his brochure and undergoes a vasectomy. It is NSVI’s way of reimbursing vasectomy clients for the time they devote to educating other men about vasectomy.
NSVI budgets about $60 per vasectomy performed by the Domestic Teams.
For payment, Dr. Mesadieu must send a Case Log and Payment Ledger (above) to an NSVI Board Member by e-mail. Along with this Vasectomy PAYMENT Log, he must also submit to NSVI via email a Vasectomy PATIENT Log:
This Patient Log assures NSVI that proper criteria are being followed (as yet, no vasectomies on young men with fewer than 2 children) and provides data about the demographics of men seeking vasectomy in Haiti.
Upon receipt of both Logs, NSVI pays Dr. Mesadieu for each vasectomy performed. When working at his own clinic, he keep the Surgeon fee for himself, uses the Facility fee to buy supplies, and distributes the rest to Patients, Facilitators, and his Nurses and Educators.
If you would like to DONATE, rest assured that a donation of $600 will provide vasectomy services for 10 men. Those men will be able to (1) better provide for the children that they already have, (2) relieve their wives of the risks of other forms of contraception and the unintended pregnancies that occur while using those less dependable forms of contraception, and (3) enjoy better sex without the fear of unwanted pregnancy. Your donation will enhance the quality of life for Haitian men, their families, and Haitian society overall. Moreover, it will provide extra income for our dedicated Domestic Team.